The Day I Fell in Love With My Nookie

The Day I Fell in Love With My Nookie

Breuana Murphy

Hey, Nookie Baes!

I’m Breuana Murphy, the heart and soul behind Pink Nookie. Today, I want to share a bit of my journey, a story about falling in love—not with Hip Hop—but with something just as personal: my nookie! Yes, that’s right. The day I fell in love with my own feminine health was the day everything changed, not just for me, but for every woman I’ve reached since.

Growing up, I was that girl who was always curious about how my body worked. I would bug my mom to get me books on feminine hygiene; I was fascinated by the human body, hormones and health down there. Oddly enough, my mom, like many from her generation, never talked much about feminine care. It was like a taboo topic, so my curiosity led me to the books where I'd read up on human anatomy and feminine hygiene. But, it wasn’t until I got older, married, and pregnant that the real challenges kicked in. Between my sweet husband and my beautiful pregnancy, my pH levels were like a DJ spinning out of control—not in a good way. I kept getting hit with BV, yeast infections, and those dreaded UTIs. The antibiotics I was prescribed? My body laughed and said, "Nope!" I was immune, frustrated, and not to mention, I was broke.

But necessity breeds invention, right? With limited funds and a fierce determination to find a solution, I turned to my EBT food stamp card, not for groceries, but to pick up natural ingredients that could help me craft my own remedies. That’s how Pink Nookie was born—out of my kitchen, with lots of love and a whole lot of desperation.

Now, let’s talk real for a moment. BV, yeast infections, and UTIs are more common than you might think. They touch the lives of so many women around us. And yet, we whisper about these issues like they’re dirty little secrets to be ashamed of. Why the secrecy when every woman battles these at some point?

That’s why I started Pink Nookie. I'm on a mission to normalize conversations around feminine care. No woman should ever feel embarrassed or alone in dealing with feminine health issues. By sharing our stories and supporting each other, we can all fall in love with taking care of our nookies. (Join The Nookie Club here if this sounds like a tribe you’d like to be a part of). 

So, whether you’re battling pH imbalances, searching for natural options, or just looking to maintain that fresh feeling all day—Pink Nookie is here for you. We’re all about empowerment, health, and a whole lot of love for your most intimate needs.

Thanks for letting me share my heart and my story. Here’s to all of us falling in love with our health and embracing our bodies with pride!

💋 With luv, Bree

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I was scrolling one day and I stumbled upon a Tiktok video and discovered the most refreshing feminine hygiene line.
I have never felt more clean, refreshed, and confident in my own body. My toddler uses PN products, my 8 year old son uses the men’s line, and I’ve put several friends and family members on.
I found a brand that I’ll use for life but I also found a community. The support and the women empowering women mindset is top tier.
I’ll forever be grateful for the emails/posts of tips and advice, not only for our hygiene, but for those conversations with our daughters.
Thank you, Bree, for sharing your life, for educating others, and for being a real and humble person. I love to see your family’s success and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for PN!


I’ve been a customer of Pink Nookie for two years (I think) and was elated when I tried your products! I never thought I’d have as much confidence in my nookie as I do now! I’ve dealt with the same issue as Bre did for years. These products make me feel so fresh so clean and over confident especially when it’s time for bedroom activities (bonus)!

But overall you educate us and interact with your customers which makes the Pink Nookie Experience even better! Thank you for being so personable and so open with us and creating this amazing brand that will be around for generations because I’m going to tell my grandkids about it!
Jazmyn Schumpert

Thanks so much for your transparency in telling your story. I am a newer nookie bae, but not new to natural remedies. Like many others my mom didn’t really talk about the taboo subject. She even still cringes when my daughter’s use proper terms such as vagina and vulva. I’ve been determined to change the narrative for my girls. I decided to try Pink Nookie when my previous natural products changed for me personally. Idk if ingredients changed or what. I no longer felt fresh, BV kept smacking me and those antibiotics just didn’t help. Immediately after trying Pink Nookie, I noticed a significant change. I love my new routine and have a new found confidence in my body. No longer do I have anxiety on if my sit down air will be off from day to day. I know Pink Nookie has me covered. Thanks again Bre! I pray for continued success with your brand.


Bree, I love that your love for your body garnered you to create PN. You are living , breathing Angel here on earth . Thank you for caring 💗

DeMi Xamor

Thank you for sharing your story! You make it easy for women to be more open and honest about what’s going on with our bodies. I really love this for you!!

Jerica Taylor

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